Spring Fundraisers 2024

Image of decorated Barn at Union Grove Farm ready for the party.


Indulge in a delightful evening filled with food, fresh cocktails, blossoming friendships, and fundraising! We will have games such as a wine pull, a raffle, a silent auction, and a dessert dash!

Purchase a ticket, or table, or review our sponsorship opportunities.

Early Bird Registration Ends April 26th! 


Become a Corporate/Individual Sponsor

Sponsorships fund meal delivery, which supports more knocks on doors, more friendly check-ins, more human connection, and a stronger, more interconnected community.

Corporate and individual sponsorships are vital to our fundraising efforts, supporting meal delivery and personal connection for over 400 older adults annually across Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and rural Orange. If you have any questions, please email Shawna Sheperd at development@mowocnc.org or call 919-942-2948 ext. 6.


Purchase a beautiful Blawesome bouquet to be delivered in Orange County or a fun pop-up card to be mailed to those who live outside our flower delivery area. Every bouquet and card purchased funds direct food costs for a Meals on Wheels recipient!